Friday, October 06, 2006

welcome to ririn's world

Hmmph.....akhirnya, gw bisa juga poenya blog sendiri.
seneng dech, rasanya gimanaaa gitu???
bisa poenya teman-teman yang ga terbatas, kenalan sama lo lo semua
I just wana say welcome to my blog. this is my first blog.
In this blog I would share my short story, my daily life, and etc
oh! I would like to say thank U so much to my friend Diah who has made me this blog. Gratiss bo!, to my beautiful lecture Mrs Yaya who has introduce me in this interesting world, all my best friends, Darna"dewi tabok", Mba Gida"CuTE", Diah"the sound system", Mineh"Nya", Ema"the GArfield" OzZh"lalit" Zuthe"the bright students", eh.. hampir maki' lupa engka pale' Checheng"mis Palopo yang lagi melebarkan sayapnya in Canada".
Dah dulu'e... gw dah ga enak ati mah diah, yang singgasananya dah gw kuasai.hehehe...
By By semua....jangan lupa sering-sering mampir, ya...
coz pasti seru deh....

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