Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thanks God for my IELTS score...^^

Aslamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Fiuuuhh...!! Rasanya memang sudah sangat layak saya meminta maaf kepada blog saya yang terkasih ini karena sekian lama telah dengan sengaja menelantarkannya. I don't want to say "I'm kinda busy lately" It's not an excuse, is it?
I have to admit that I always try to find solace sought for ignoring this blog,, hehehe

So, what stories I have today? Well, let me tell you about my IELTS test result. I took IELTS test 2 weeks ago in IDP Semarang. O, don't ask me how the test was. I really think it was horrible. The problem was not in the questions. Surely, it was just like my progress tests. It was on my mental. I would have been totally ready for the real test as I had been trained for more than three months. But I didn't know why, suddenly, my heart beaten so fast right before I entered the room. And damn it!! panicking hit my mind and it blocked my brain. I felt sweat flowing on my back during the listening test. I hopelessly noticed the questions went by and I couldn't answer it very well. Probably, of 42 questions, the correct answers were no more than 15. Following the listening, I barely concentrated on my reading. My estimate, only 60% of questions were correct. It was shameful. Reading is my favorite section. The next text was writing. I cursed my self for not being maximal at that time. I used to be confident with my ability in writing. My tutors used to contend that I must get more than seven in my real test considering my progress by weeks. Shamefully to say, that I had made them disappointed. Fortunately, in speaking section, I was able to ease my temper down. I think, I was good enough in answering the questions from the examiner. Even though i was scared by his physical appearance (He's tall with thick beard, and he has a very very serious face...T_T)...Yeah.. I told you once again, the test was awful!! I mean it!

Well, yesterday, the result came. As I'd predicted before, I get worse in listening and writing. It's in reading that I get the highest score, followed by speaking. I am quite surprised by my listening score. Alhamdulillah, it's not bad as I estimated. See, commonly guessing is worth, hehehe...Not to mention how I feel on my writing score. I am totally disappointed!! Yeahh,, it was my fault after all. I shouldn't have been so damn panicked at that time!!!... However, I have to say Thank to Allah as overall my band score meets the standard of Minnesota and also Dikti. With this IELTS score on my hand, hopefully studying abroad is no longer dream, amiiinn...

Do you ask me how exactly my score was?? Sorry to say, but I don't want to tell you, hehehehe.. Just for you information, I finally make it, fellas.. ^_~


ukh t-nee said...
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ukh t-nee said...

Alhamdulillah, Allohu Akbar, takbir kencang2 sambil berderai air mata haru, membaca ini.. finally, sob... finally, kakakku....

fainna ma'al 'usri yusra
inna ma'al usriyusra...

Meike Lusye Karolus said...

selamat kak untuk hasil tesnya....

saya juga sekarang tengah berjuang untuk belajar bahasa inggris..mudah2an punya hasil tes yang baik juga :)

Diah Alsa said...

suiitt suiit, I thought your English improve more and more day by day, I envy yoooouuuu!!

but anyway congrats for the result, my sista. your dream come true..